Case Study - Delaware Statewide Consortium

Brighton helped form the consortium in Delaware. Brighton hosts and maintains the LMS and designs online courses for these professional development providers:

  • Nemours Health & Prevention Services
  • Delaware Department of Education
  • Delaware Institute for Excellence in Early Childhood (DIEEC) through the University of Delaware
  • Delaware Office of Early Learning

Brighton designed & developed this partial listing of online courses for

  • Delacare/CACFP Regulations for Nutrition, Approved for 2 Quality Assured hours
  • Preventing Obesity and Promoting Wellness in Early Childhood Settings
    Approved for 14 Quality Assured hours
  • Active Bodies Build Active Minds, Approved for 2 Quality Assured hours
  • Secrets of Infant Behavior: What Are Your Babies Telling You? Approved for 4 Quality Assured hours
  • Inclusion: Best Practice, Approved for 5 Quality Assured hours
  • Observation and Assessment, Approved for 3 Quality Assured hours
  • Child Development, Approved for 6 Quality Assured hours
  • Preventing Shaken Baby Syndrome for Childcare Providers, Approved for 2 Quality Assured hours
  • Infant Safe Sleep Practices for Childcare Providers, Approved for 2 Quality Assured hours
  • Positive Behavior Management, Approved for 3 Quality Assured hours
  • Using the Infant Toddler Toolkit, Approved for 3 Quality Assured hours

In 2015, the number of registrations received exploded higher and higher each month.


All the best as you continue to develop and grow Brighton. You all have done amazing work for us at Nemours and – work that really makes our content come alive! It has been delightful to change my (previously) negative opinion about online training. And the data tells the story about how quickly people in Delaware embraced this way of learning! Brighton helped us produce a large library of online courses for and the growth of the program is amazing to see –

  • The rate of successful course completions is doubling every quarter as more early care and education providers learn about our online training options.
  • There are over 8,000 diverse early care and education professionals in DE who can take our online courses as one way to meet their training requirements.
  • We have already had over 1,200 successful online course completions within the first 12 months.
  • Nearly 100% of users would recommend the online courses to their colleagues.
  • Our users report 90-98% high satisfaction regarding ease of use, value of the content, their ability to put what they learn into action, etc.

–Mary Neal Jones, Nemours Health & Prevention Services